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Moscow Times

Moscow Times is a newspaper in Moscow, Russia covering local news, sports, business, politics and community events.

Founded in 1992, The Moscow Times describes itself as "the only Moscow-based, English-language, independent source of news, business news, arts and opinion about Russia." The newspaper was published in print and distributed for free until July 2017 when it became online-only. Russian language versions of stories were introduced in March 2020.

The Moscow Times is supported by the Dutch foundation Stichting 2 Oktober, which supports independent journalism in Russia and the CIS countries, an organization consisting of former republics of the Soviet Union.

This newspaper is owned by Stichting 2 Oktober.

The website is presented in the English language.


Moscow Times newspaper website
All local news media in Moscow, Russia


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1 comment to date.

Spy Affair Called Attempt to Discredit President Obama
-- The Moscow Times reported on June 30, 2010: "The U.S. arrest of 10 suspected Russian spies right after President Barack Obama welcomed President Dmitry Medvedev to the White House deals a stinging blow to resurgent ties and might discredit Obama, who sees the "reset" of relations as a main achievement of his administration, Russian officials said Tuesday. Russian authorities refused to say...

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