Home > World > USA > Pennsylvania > Philadelphia > WYBE TV 35


WYBE TV 35 was a TV station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA airing syndicated entertainment programming.

It is one of the best American media outlets, according to Mondo Times members.

WYBE TV 35 shut down in the fall of 2017. In 1990, WYBE Channel 35 in Philadelphia debuted as one of the nation's only independent public TV stations. In 2008, the channel became known as MiND: Media Independence. MiND offers a fresh and unique approach to public media with a focus on viewer created programming and minority voices.

A nonprofit organization, MiND owns and operates channel 35 in the Philadelphia-South Jersey region, and operates digital channel 66.4 in NYC-North Jersey.

About one-third of MiND's program schedule is filled with news, documentaries, and international programs. In the Philadelphia market, MiND also presents international news and documentaries by NHK World, France 24 and RT on its secondary digital channels.

This TV station was owned by Independence Media.


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1 comment to date.

Donna Grims Named Program Manager of WYBE TV 35
-- In May 2008, Donna Grims replaced Joni Helton as the programming manager of WYBE. After nine years with WYBE, Joni Helton started as the television program director for WHYY.
Posted by Mondo Times Editors, Boulder Colorado, December 3, 2014

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Local news media in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania local news media