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LEO Weekly

The LEO Weekly is a weekly newspaper in Louisville, Kentucky, USA covering local entertainment, events and culture.

The newspaper is published once a week on Wednesday.

LEO Weekly, also known as the Louisville Eccentric Observer, is a free alternative weekly newspaper reporting on topics often avoided by mainstream media. It also covers local and regional arts, entertainment and recreation opportunities in the Louisville, Kentucky area and features reviews of recordings and performances by local musicians. The paper also carries syndicated columns and features including News of the Weird, Real Astrology and The New York Times Crossword Puzzle.

Founded in 1990, LEO Weekly is distributed free every Wednesday at over 750 locations in Louisville and Southern Indiana.

Euclid Media Group bought the paper from Aaron Yarmuth in 2021. The Riverfront Times reported on August 10, 2023 that Euclid Media Group had been dissolved after selling its eight alt-weekly newspapers. Big Lou Holdings, LLC, a new business formed by Euclid's former chief operating officer Chris Keating, bought four of the papers: the Riverfront Times, Detroit Metro Times, Cincinnati CityBeat and LEO Weekly.

This publication is a member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia (AAN). AAN is a group of newspapers and magazines providing journalism that offers an alternative to the mainstream media in the area.

Circulation estimate: 28,844

This newspaper is owned by Big Lou Holdings, LLC.


LEO Weekly newspaper website
All local news media in Louisville, Kentucky


Erica Rucker is the editor in chief of the LEO Weekly.

For LEO Weekly contact information, see the Kentucky news media contacts at EasyMediaList.com.



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3 comments to date.

Erica Rucker Named Editor of LEO Weekly
-- In January 2023, Erica Rucker replaced Scott Recker as the editor of the LEO Weekly.
Posted by Mondo Times Editors, Boulder Colorado, March 3, 2023

LEO Weekly Newspaper Purchased by Louisville Investors
-- April 29, 2014: The alternative weekly newspaper in Louisville, Kentucky, LEO Weekly has been bought by a group of local investors led by Aaron Yarmuth. He is the son of U.S. House Rep. John Yarmuth, who founded the paper in 1990 along with Robert Schulman, Dudley Saunders, Mary Caldwell and Denny Crum. The seller is SouthComm Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee. Aaron Yarmuth said: "LEO Weekly has been a...

Louisville Eccentric Observer (LEO) Weekly Names Laura Snyder Managing Editor
-- In August 2014, Laura Snyder replaced Sara Havens as managing editor of the Louisville Eccentric Observer Weekly.
Posted by Mondo Times Editors, Boulder Colorado, November 14, 2014

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