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Shepherd Express

The Shepherd Express is a weekly newspaper in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA covering local entertainment, events and culture.

The newspaper is published once a week on Thursday.

The Shepherd Express calls itself "Milwaukee's alternative news source" and offers investigative reporting and coverage of arts, entertainment, culture and dining in the city. The newspaper started on the campus of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and then expanded beyond the college campus. Its office is located in Milwaukee's Third Ward.

This publication is a member of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia (AAN). AAN is a group of newspapers and magazines providing journalism that offers an alternative to the mainstream media in the area.

Circulation estimate: 58,917

This newspaper is owned by Alternative Publications Incorporated.


Shepherd Express newspaper website
All local news media in Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Louis Fortis is the publisher and editor in chief of the Shepherd Express.

For Shepherd Express contact information, see the Wisconsin news media contacts at EasyMediaList.com.



Content:     Very Good (2 votes)
Political Bias:   Liberal (2 votes)
Credibility:   Very High (2 votes)
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1 comment to date.

Shepherd Express Suspends Print Edition
-- The Milwaukee alt-weekly will not publish in print for "the next several weeks" while continuing to update its website, according to Louis Fortis, the paper's editor and publisher. On March 18, 2020 he wrote that "This is the first time the Shepherd newspaper has temporarily suspended publication in its 38 year history." The full story: COVID-19's Impact on the Shepherd Express Newspaper
Posted by Mondo Times editors, Boulder, Colorado USA, March 26, 2020

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