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Mediaweek Magazine

Mediaweek was a USA magazine covering Media Business.

Mediaweek magazine ceased publication after the release of the April 11, 2011 issue. It covered breaking media industry news and offered analysis and commentary of the media business. Editorial coverage was folded into Adweek Magazine.

This magazine was owned by Prometheus Global Media.


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Michael Wolff was the editorial director when Mediaweek magazine shut down in April 2011.
Posted by Mondo Times Editors, Boulder Colorado, December 1, 2014

Mediaweek Folded into Adweek
-- The final print edition appeared on April 11, 2011. A note on Mediaweek's web site reads as follows: "In the upcoming weeks, Mediaweek.com will become part of the new, much expanded Adweek.com. You'll still get the media coverage you seek out here, but in an enhanced site with an unmatched user experience. Look forward to exclusive content, more video and new interactivity - coming soon!"
Posted by Mondo Times editors, Boulder Colorado USA, April 12, 2011

Next Issue Consortium Falls Down to Earth
-- On February 13, 2011, Mediaweek Magazine reported: "Once, Next Issue Media looked like it might have a bright future. An unprecedented collaboration by five of publishing’s biggest companies, Next Issue was intended to secure their digital future by preparing magazines for digital delivery and creating an iTunes-like online newsstand from which to sell them. Now, however, it looks...

Bonnier Revs Up Roadtrip
-- Mediaweek Magazine reported on December 8, 2010: "Joining the likes of News Corporation’s forthcoming tablet newspaper The Daily and Richard Branson's iPad-only magazine, Project, Sweden’s Bonnier Corp. has created Roadtrip, a made-for-the-tablet publication. The new form shows how publishers are experimenting on the iPad as they try to figure out how to make money off the tablet." Get the full story.
Posted by Mondo Times editors, Boulder Colorado USA, December 9, 2010

FCC Planning to Enter Retrans Debate
-- Mediaweek Magazine reported on December 8, 2010: "The Federal Communications Commission is planning to open up a proceeding on retransmission consent negotiation rules, governing how broadcasters and cable companies determine value for signal clearances. Bill Lake, the FCC's media bureau chief, will deliver the news Wednesday (Dec. 8) during a lunch at the Media Institute, the FCC...

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